Kristen Gruentzel and family
The Baker County Christian Co-Op has provided the most wonderful investment in my child’s future. It has offered a challenging academic curriculum and is setting my sons up to thrive in all their future endeavors.
— Kristen Gruentzel

Important Documents


$4,200 year - $420/month (Aug-May)

*Siblings receive a discount of $20 / month.

There will be a 5% discount applied if paid in full by August 1st.

Curriculum Cost: $500 Non-refundable fee (plus the cost of a Chromebook)

Parent / Student Handbook

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Does the Baker County Christian Co-Op take scholarships?

A: No, the Baker County Christian Co-Op does not take any scholarships.

Q: What are the school days and hours of BCCC?

A: The Co-Op’s hours of instruction are Monday-Thursday from 8:30-2:15. Dropoff time is from 8:15-8:30 and pick up is 2:10-2:30.

Q: What grades are taught at the Co-Op?

A: We teach students in grades Kindergarten through 8th grade.

Q: What is your average class size?

A: Our average class size at BCCC is 15 students per class.

Q: Do students bring their own lunch?

A: Monday – Wednesday students are to bring their own lunches and on Thursday we offer a buy in lunch option. Students can pay for lunch from various places in town.

New Student Registration Form